A glass sprinkler bulb is the most reliable and economic device used to actuate a fire sprinkler head. Mae'r bwlb ffrangible yn syml i'w ddefnyddio, sy'n cynnwys bwlb thermo bach wedi'i wneud o wydr sy'n cynnwys hylif cemegol a fydd yn ehangu'n gyflym pan fydd yn agored i dymheredd yn codi, yn byrstio'r bwlb tân gwydr ar dymheredd a bennwyd ymlaen llaw yn gywir, a thrwy hynny actifadu'r ysgeintiad.
As a professional sprinkler bulb manufacturer, MH has its own special R & D team, which is committed to continuously improving the quality and characteristics of products and meeting the needs of various customers, including all the requirements for sprinkler bulbs in GB 16809-2008 for ffenestri tân a GB / T 25205-2010 ar gyfer Deluge Sprinkler.
- Defnyddir nozzles ESFR i amddiffyn nozzles caeedig pentyrru uchel a warysau uchel. Gall ymateb yn gyflym i'r tân, a chyflawni rôl ataliad cynnar neu ddiffodd y tân. Mae pen chwistrellu ESFR yn addas i'w ddefnyddio mewn lleoedd sydd â lefel risg tân uchel; When used in elevated warehouse, it can release a lot of water and has good shelf penetration. Without adding the in-shelf sprinkler head, it saves the storage trouble caused by the in-shelf sprinkler head and does ...
- The closed high-pressure water mist sprayer is composed of sprayer body, sealing plunger, sprinkler bulb, sprinkler bulb support, sprinkler, sprinkler core, filter screen and other parts. Mae'r taenellwr yn rhan bwysig o'r system ysgeintio niwl dŵr pwysedd uchel. It can not only cool the fire plume through small fog droplets, isolate oxygen from water vapor, but also reduce the radiant heat to control and extinguish the fire. The water mist fire extinguishing system is a new typ...